Pay Per Click

PPC Marketing

The digital marketing tides are shifting and many companies are looking for fast, effective ways to position their brands in front of high-converting customers. Increase your search engine visibility and get immediate results with Alpha Sheild’s PPC management services.

If you’re looking for an immediate campaign boost and a fast return on investment (ROI), pay per click advertising is a profitable choice. Maintain full control of your paid search marketing efforts and acquire positive business outcomes with targeted PPC services.

Alpha Sheild Agency is a PPC agency with dedicated paid search specialists to manage your campaigns on the most complex platform like Google Ads
To get a high return, you need a PPC management company that’s experienced, makes data-driven decisions, continually optimizes your campaigns, and looks at your entire funnel to help turn visits into sales.

Video Advertising

Video Advertising is used to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumers and customers, and reach your audience.

Social Advertising

Social advertising is the process of creating and deploying clickable ads to reach target audiences. You can reach them through social media platforms, messaging apps, news feeds, and even outside apps and websites.

PPC Remarketing

Remarketing consists of using a special tracking code to place cookies on the browsers of people visiting your website, and then serving ads to those with that cookie, specifically, on the Display and Search network.

Display Advertising

Display advertising refers to the process of advertising a product or service through visuals like images and videos on networks of publisher websites such as the Google Display Network and Facebook etc.